Sep 29Liked by Jerrys take on China

I searched for Lantang cun, there are several, and found one in north west Guangdong. I guess you might have come up the valley through Shixing after leaving the fast train at Shaoguan? That's my wife's home town, we visit round there from time to time.

Anyway I just wanted to mention a place we went to last year, along that valley, Nanxiong, a fascinating little town that was set up in Mao days to manage the newly planted forest. It contains the biggest collection of Gingko trees in the world, about 8,000. A beautiful sight in autumn! I think it was last October were there. We were a bit late. My wife thinks mid-October the best.

Thought you might be interested. Your botanist pal must have known about it.


Video of it here starts at 7.57



Walt King

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Sep 29Liked by Jerrys take on China

Sorry, North EAST

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We went by road but you're right, it's in the Northeast, not far from dongguan and half way to Shantou.

Interesting history in the region, ZiJin, purple gold was the very first Soviet collective under the communists, before the Civil War even started - I wasn't aware of that unti after I came back, and Lantang, is in ZiJing County

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Sep 28Liked by Jerrys take on China

First of all Jerry let me thank you from the most gracious of minds. Your videos and crticisms I came across on Tik Tok amongst many Chinese and non Chinese creators that have revealed the truth about China. More inportantly you have done so by using a set of research available to anyone connected to the internet but your insights from your very experience of living in China is perhaps, as you are well aware of, an important perspective, a valuable one for those too lazy to do due diligent research about geo-politics or for that matter world history.

However, there is one small issue that I would like to point out about whom has a track record and what neither you or even any of the writers on substack or any other platform seem to be discussing is that for 16 years there have been other names on the presidential ballot that are never discussed on mainstream networks either in the US nor in Euroupe which has angered me greatly because even running several websites and many more groups to discuss this publically seems to go altogeather unnoticed or simply ignored by anyone whom I write or speak to about it. It does not help to use ignorance of this truth. Jill Stein is a third choice on the presidential ballot for the green party but no one even brings it up, neither independent journalists nor independent writers. She and her party gave a track record as do most of the clowns from the bad cop bad cop, parallax view that ignorant American citizens are used to and clearly the rest of the world. I don't know if it is by design or just ignorance that does not allow anyone to discuss the alternatives that since WW1 have presented themselves every four years as the dogmatic approach to a colonial mind state or if is a cyniscism meant to bring the system of supression and oppresion onslaught my western imperialism. Whatever it might be I suggest you dwelve into this matter as you do indeed have quite the following. As an intellectual exile of the US I enjoy very much your break down of the very psychopathant manner that is the state of American politics but urge you to look into the Green party and give it some due attention as only I can expect from a critical and objective mind like yourself. Thank you for your very crucial input including your recent link to the Chinese political infrastructure. Hopefully one day I will have the honour to visit China and experience it first hand.

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Thanks for the kind words Jack, there is an issue I have with your suggestion and that is that I'm really not qualified to comment on the US, I don't come from there, I've never even visited there, let alone lived there - I comment on the US usually in relation to a comparison and nothing more than that - I won't get into the political debate in the US no one knows my preference because it's really not important - whoever wins the election there next year, won't change a thing, even Jill Stein, who I agree, is for the most part largely ignored by media (because she doens't pay for air time I guess) could not make changes if she were elected - it's the truth that the system is deeply flawed and in need of revolutionary change and by that I mean 180 degrees, not guns and battles!

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Oct 1Liked by Jerrys take on China

Jerry, I agree on your perspective about democracy in China. Democracy is best conducted at the local level, where the ordinary people can relate to their elected representatives and bring up actual concerns to be addressed at that level.

In the US system and in other western democracries, there is too much attention focused on electing the president. The people who voted for the president do not know much about the real issues facing the country and they often voted for the wrong person, i.e. the incompetent person, to run the country.

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You make a great point, incompetence at the elctorate means incompentence in the electoral result

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Sep 29Liked by Jerrys take on China

Indeed, fully agreed with you Jerry! 👍💯

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